Saturday Stuff

**My youngest brother and sister were not shown in the photographs yesterday. I’m a bad sister. Here’s one picture I have of them together.


It’s not a very current picture. Okay, it was taken in the 70’s. My mom is holding the cake, littlest bro is blowing out candles, little sister is sitting on other brother’s lap. My two youngest siblings are six months apart with completely different parents. My brother is the son of my mother and step-father, and my sister is the daughter of my father and step-mother. Clear as mud? Yes? Short version -I love the stuffing outta both of ’em.

**Sparky’s still alive, though after this morning’s howl-fest at o’dark hundred I was ready to pitch him into the river. More news as events warrant.

**Wilbur the back-up cat has recovered his meower. It was broken for a few weeks. He no longer squeaks. Imagine our joy.

**Bacon smells sooooooo good.

**It’s terrifying to hand over your work to someone for review. It’s even worse if the people reviewing it are your family. Who you love. And respect. And sleep with. I’m just saying.

**Does bacon still smell good to vegetarians?

**The dog was put in the corner of shame yesterday for bolting away from darling husband and jumping straight into the wading pool at the park. *snicker* You should have seen her guilty face.

**True confession time: I had about 8000 grams of carbs yesterday. But they were medicinal, I swear. Hash browns with sauteed onions and peppers are amazingly good – I only ate the crispy delicious full-of-oil parts. And one piece of toast, ’cause I needed it with my eggies. And later on a cracker. And fresh baked sheepherder’s bread (which is all darling husband’s fault). And then some birthday cake, just to be polite. It was all to be polite. Yes, it was. Stop shaking your head. I’m a very courteous person.

**Irish breakfast tea from Trader Joe’s is fabulous. Thank Bob for the caffeine.

**Please…all the godesses and pixies of flower blooms. Please stop at my house. I need your help. Please? Please?

**If you think really hard about paying your bills, does it count as if you actually pay them? No? Oh, shoot. Guess I better get busy then.

Happy Saturday!